Last month, because of our organizing, the NVUSD school board rejected the Mayacamas charter school petition by a unanimous vote. Now, the charter school has appealed to the Napa County Board of Education in an effort to overrule the decision of the local school board.
Eve Ryser, a NVUSD Board member and former Vallejo teacher, described the charter petition as “poorly planned and financially rickety” and said that it would “cultivate an elite private school experience on the taxpayer dime, to the detriment of the other students of NVUSD” ( Napa Valley Register).
The Napa County Board of Education will hold a public hearing on the charter petition on February 1, 2022 at 3:30pm, and we need you to give public comment in support of Napa students. This middle school charter would devastate Napa’s traditional public schools and undermine strong district programs and support for all of Napa’s students.
The Zoom information for the NCOE meeting is here.
We have created talking points here.
FAQ’s about the Mayacamas petition can be found here.
If you haven’t done so already, please share our petition with your friends and family!
Thank you for standing up for Napa students!