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CTA-ABC – District A

Educators Must be Involved in Decision-Making

The CTA Association for Better Citizenship (CTA/ABC) Committee works to make sure the voices of students and teachers are heard in our local schools and communities throughout the state. 

Over the years, elected officials supported by CTA/ABC have helped change the face of public education in California, scoring wins for students, local schools and teachers. Whether it’s a local bond issue or establishing new state educational standards, teachers must be involved in the decisions that directly affect our public schools and students. CTA/ABC makes sure our message is heard.


Roles & Responsibilities

The CTA/ABC Committee is the political action arm of CTA, providing campaign funding for our local affiliates. Meeting several times a year, the CTA/ABC Committee screens applications from local chapters for campaign funding that can be used for mailings, advertisements and other costs of a local campaign. Members of the CTA/ABC Committee are elected by the State Council of Education.  The Committee recommends funding to the CTA Board of Directors. The CTA Board makes all final funding decisions.

Requesting Funding for Your Local Election

To request funding for your local election, complete the appropriate CTA/ABC forms. For questions, call 916-325-1594. 

Communicating with Your Local CTA/ABC Committee Member 

Your CTA/ABC Committee member is waiting to help you through every step of applying for chapter funds. Call or email your CTA/ABC Committee member as soon as you are aware of a local election in which your chapter may become involved. Discuss the issues you are facing in the election, whether it’s a much needed school bond or an educator-friendly school board. Your CTA/ABC Committee member will help you suggest an amount that would be reasonable to expect considering the size of your chapter and special circumstances of the election.

Our CTA-ABC member is Corey Penrose  He may be reached at